Dit zijn mijn verslagen van de krant die we moesten maken voor engels de krant heet J T L NEWS. J T L betekent jeroen teun lucas ( die hebben ook geholpen aan de krant ).
Beatrix stops to be a Queen
Beatrix is a Queen of Holland and she said she will stop. But not yet, she goes away at 30 april. And her birthsday is at 31 april. She is going to be 75 years than. She said at 28 january on television that she will be replaced. And her follower is her First son Willem Alexander and this is really special because it is a long time ago since 1890 was there the last king. And Beatrix was since 1980 the Queen of Holland. Willem Alexander going to be a king and he is going to be a king in Amsterdam in the new church on the Dam.
Maxima is the wife of Willem Alexander. She is going to be a Queen, because Beatrix is stopping to be a Queen soon. The people love Maxima because she is a nice person and she will do everything for Holland. The people likes it that Maxima is going to be a Queen. Because they nnow that she is going to be a great Queen for Holland. Maxima is born in 1971. She is from Agrittinia. But she is now in Holland because she is married with the king
of holland. And Maxima’s father is a bad person and sometimes he’s breaking the law. And maybe he is going to be to a prison. She has three daughters and there names are Amalia, Alexia and Ariane. When Willem is going to be a king is Maxima than a Queen and than she is the youngest Queen of the World at that moment. And another news is from a testresult that the people want more like that Maxima is the Queen that Willem is a king. And she loves Beatrix and she is happy but also sad that she is
going to stop to be a Queen. Than can she rule Holland.
Worksheet Newspaper Assignment - 3 Havo
A. Names: jozua jeroen
B. 10 Categories you can find in newspapers:
*news about celebs
*news about a countrySport news
*weatherRoyal family
*dead people ( date )
C. Articles
1. category
mark direct speech (pink) and reported speech (yellow)
2. category
mark direct speech (pink) and reported speech (yellow)
3. category
mark direct speech (pink) and reported speech (yellow)
4. category
mark direct speech (pink) and reported speech (yellow)
5. category
mark direct speech (pink) and reported speech (yellow)
6. category
mark direct speech (pink) and reported speech (yellow)
Petty Brard
made by: Jeroen Nieuwlands
Petty Brad was going to soccer yesterday. She was playing with some family and friends. But after a few minutes she felt on her nose. And she was crying very badly. Evereone was looking because no one did something. But she said that her friend Dylan punshed her in the face. And she was very angry about it. But Dylan did nothing. So her dad and she went away and she said that she needs to go to a hospital, because her nose didn't stop bleeding. The rest of the family kept on playing. At that time Petty and her dad were going to the hospital. It was nothing really we thought. But when they were by the hospital a bunch of doctors came to here, because she was a celebrity we thought afcourse. But wen we saw what they did by Petty it looked very badly. So we were very sorry fore her because we were laughing about it, cause it looked very fake to us. The doctors were looking at her nose for about ten minutes. Then the doctors said that her noise was broken very badly. So she was fixed by the doctors. At was tooking the doctors about two hours. A lot of time. After the hospital they went back to their family and friends. And the family and Dylan explaned that he did nothing and Petty believed her. She said that family and frieds have to trust eachother. So they were having some diner and everone left. They had a nice time. But everone was shocked. But in the end everething was OK.
Made by: Jeroen Nieuwlands
Yesterday at 11 p.m. Peter Jones was murderd by a Criminel. The criminel was stealing some stuff by a small store in Calafornia. Peter wanted to stop the guy. The criminals reactions was not very good. The criminal putted out his gun. And Peter reacted very calm said the guy wo worked in the store. Peter said: ¨ Do you now what you're doing? If you shoot me your hole life will be gone¨. The man who had the gun said that he had nothing left. And then the man shooted Peter in the head. The criminal rant away and he stoled a car. The man wo worked in the store called 911. The police came 10 minutes later. After they had that what happened, the researchers came. The knew that he was murderd.
But they have to know who did it. The man in the store didn't knew how he looked like. So they have to look at the camera and maybe some fingerprints. They have'nt found anything yet. But the family of Peter is now looking for them selfs because they just want to find the murderer, so he can be in jail. The police just dont now what to do. The only thing they know is that he is an proffesional criminel. Because he didn't left any fingerprints. And he was in black so no one will know who he is. The police has stoped looking for the guy who shot him. They family is still looking for him.
Barcelona vs Real Madrid
Yesterday night it was the el clasico of spain FC Barcelona against Real Madrid. FCB won the match with 4-1, later that night we've spoken Lionel Messi and he said that the're just played very well. We've also spoken to captais Xavi and he've told us that the technique is very high at Barcelona these days. The Coach of Real Madrid wasn't that happy after the match he might even had said that he was going to quit as soon as they get home. Pepe awnsered 'I can't blame him but it is a shame'. And for tomorrow Atletico Madrid against first place Valencia, and as i've heared from Philip Cocu this is going to be a very intresting match.
Prinses Kate pregnant?
The rumors are saying that our own prinses Kate is pregnant!?
Thw owner of Baby town said that she caught Queen Eliszbeth shopping baby clothes. And if we may believe what the shooter of the foto on the right side said 'this is a true image of Prinses Kate'. So based on the facts our staff is confinced that we're going to have a new prins or prinses. Were also is already talked about by thedailysun cause they said that it is going to be a boy and "he" is going to be called Marco. But dear readers that's it for today.
Odulphus is going to get a new Havo department
The sint odulphuslyceum is getting a new havo departmant acros the original Sint odulphuslyceum on Noordhoekring 99, Tilburg. We asked Ms. Ramakers to respond why, Ms. Ramakers said that the original location became to small so it was a must.
Our journalist did some research and they said that it used to be a police departmant, an ambulance and a school. So we're talking about a very old building. And Rectrice Mrs. Hoekstra told us that the Havo students are very exited about this 'project'. They may dicide everything them selves. And they still will have enough time to talk and see tere friends from the other Odulphus. And Mr. Pijpers (the drama teacher who you probaly knwow from the Calve Peanutbutter comercial) told me that they are also still continuing the laptop classes.
made by: Jeroen Nieuwlands
The people who study the earthquakes has discovered an sirious Earthquake inside America. He is 7,2 from 8. So it is a heavy earthquake. They dont know when it is conna happen. But they are already preparing for it. Because they dont want much damage. They want to make the buildings a lot more save.
Interview with some one who is prepping for the earthquake.
His name is James Wood
Why are you prepping?
“ Because I love my family and I want to protect them. So we can live together for along time!”
Does people often think you are crazy?
“ Yeah many people think that I’m crazy. But maybe I am, but when there is a sirious damaging eartquake I’m going to be the one who survived it”
Is your family OK with what youre doing?
“ Yes, they support me very well. Especially my wife she is the one who is caring for the food. And I am so happy that everone is helping me with it”
What is exactly your plan?
“I am going to built a buncer. And everything is sticking on the floor. So it cant fall and cant hurt my family”